The first multi-retailer online cigar marketplace

Designed by Retailers for Retailers and run by Retailers. The AmazonTM of Cigars, and exclusively cigars and cigar accessories.

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It's Hard to Sell Cigars Online

Age Verification. Payment Processing. Tax Collection and Filing. The government doesn't make it easy to run a cigar store, especially online. And they sure love to get into your wallet. Cigar Trader℠ does all that heavy lifting so you don't have to.

Age Verifications

Ensure compliance and safety without slowing down sales.

Payment Processing

Seamlessly handle tobacco product payments, without the usual restrictions.

Excise Tax

Automate tax management, so you can focus on what matters.

Sku Management

With tens of thousands of SKUS already pre-loaded, plus complete SKU management handled by the Cigar Trader℠ team.


We Handle the Hard Part So You Can Sell Fast

Sell In-Store and Online with One System

No more waiting. No more complicated setups. We’re your all-in-one solution to start selling online now. CigarTrader℠ helps you reach cigar lovers across the country with just a few clicks.

We’re almost ready to launch. Get ahead of the competition by securing your spot on CigarTrader’s℠ early access list.